Powering emerging retail brands through the energy transition

Eagle Power believes that energy retail can be done better.

Founded in 2020 with the backing of an international technology investment syndicate, Eagle boasts a well-rounded team of technology and domain experts who dream of bringing better unit economics to energy retailers and customers.

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In 20 years of market liberalisation,


of customers have switched from the big 6 to smaller, challenger suppliers

Yet, in 2019-20, with 9 supplier bankruptcies,


of all customers have been affected by a supplier bankruptcy event.

EAGLE’s software proposition is poised to drive overhead reductions of  


besides enabling superior business and operational strategies

And we plan to launch 5 disruptive brands, every single year

We will provide each of our brands with:

  • Compelling solutions for customer engagement
  • A highly efficient transactions platform
  • Advanced machine intelligence
  • Configurations and multi-tenancy
  • Investment and a stake in your success
Set Up Shop with us

Meet our team

We’re sparky, we’re a little bit quirky, and we believe in changing things around us for the better. We’re partnering, we’re hiring, and we’re talking freely. Check us out!
